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What is the Take and Skip Operator functionality In LINQ to SQL?

Updated:  10/16/2013 10:10 AM
Author:  Shiju Mathews

Status:    Resolved.

The Take operator is used to return a given number of rows from a database table and the Skip operator skips over a specified number of rows in a database table.

The Take operator returns a specified number of contiguous rows from the starting point of the database table. The Take operator specifies how many rows we want from the start position of the table but when we define a criteria in that case this criteria is evaluated first before the start position is determined.
It works similar to the SQL TOP keyword where we get a specific number of contiguous top rows from a database table or can get top rows according to certain criteria.

The Skip operator bypasses a specified number of contiguous rows from a sequence/table and returns the remaining table. It can skip rows from the top or can be for a certain criteria, in other words it can also skip rows depending on a certain criteria.
Tags: What is the Take and Skip Operator functionality In LINQ to SQL?
Updated on: December 2024