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Saffron Curry House Floreat Western Australia (Indian Restaurant)

Saffron Curry House
Indian Restaurants
R1 Howtree Pl
Floreat, Western Australia - 6014

The word Saffron translates quite literally as sophisticated flavor and this is the ethos behind the innovative menu of Saffron Curry House. This Indian restaurant is dedicated to serving authentic Indian Food which will take you straight to the land where it is born. The authentic Indian food on our menu is made with the use of aromatic Indian spices which are the essence of Indian cuisine. Saffron Curry House has carved out a niche for itself by not only its fine dining but also through its great service, catering and takeaway service.

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Tags: Saffron Curry House Indian Restaurant Floreat Western Australia Details of Saffron Curry House Indian Restaurant Floreat Western Australia Indian Restaurant in Floreat Indian Restaurant Floreat Western Australia Saffron Curry House
Updated on: June 2024  
