Sukhadia's Iselin New Jersey (Indian Grocery Store)

Indian Grocery Stores
1507 Oaktree Road
Iselin, New Jersey - 08830
Phone: (732) 548 1888

Indian Grocery store in Iselin, NJ - Sukhadia's

Sukhadia is a corporation with over twenty-one years of experience in the United States, including locations in New Jersey, downtown and Shamburg Chicago area, and Los Angeles. As a family owned business, we guarantee the freshness of homemade food and the nostalgic taste of India. Originating from the town of Cambay, India, Sukhadia's has since then expanded and upheld the taste of quality sweets. Started in 1880, we have been working with seven outlets located in India and three outlets located in the US.

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Tags: Sukhadia's Indian Grocery Store Iselin New Jersey Details of Sukhadia's Indian Grocery Store Iselin New Jersey Indian Grocery Store in Iselin Indian Grocery Store Iselin New Jersey Sukhadia's
Updated on: June 2024  
